Capturing Photos and Videos
Note that you can make some adjustments to Pixy’s flight time and capture process for each flight path in the Snapchat app, this guide is for a quick start!
Turn the dial from OFF, select a flight path and wait for Pixy to start up (you’ll see a yellow LED and hear a chime when the flight path is selected).
If there is no LED light, try turning the dial to another flight path to wake the device up.
A green LED means Pixy is ready to start flying!
For a safe flight, ensure there are no obstacles in the way and Pixy has enough room to fly - each flight path requires different amounts of space.
Hold Pixy in your open, flat palm and raise it to eye level with the camera facing you. Ensure that Pixy is held as level as possible and press the ‘start’ button to begin the’ flight.
Pixy will take off right from your palm!
Keep looking at the LEDs, when its blinking white it indicates that Pixy is currently recording.
When you see a flashing green LED it means Pixy is ready to land back in the palm of your hand. Simply hold out your hand under Pixy and it will land automatically. Never grab Pixy out of the air.